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Chicago’s Winter Brew Festival

Chicago’s Winter Brew Festival

Jan 15, 2018 Dr Kristina Nelson

Beer lovers have a chance to rejoice this month, since Chicago’s Winter Brew Festival is returning to the DANK Haus German American Cultural Center on January 27th. This year’s event will be an indoor beer festival full of the best brews from Chicago. You’ll be able to try at least two different craft beers from each brewery at the event, and you’ll even get to try some limited releases.

Great Local Chicago Breweries

Brought to you by the Lincoln Square Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce, this annual event will be akin to a Chicago Street Festival but held indoors so that it can happen whether it rains or shines. This year’s Winter Brew Festival promises to be a popular and large event, and you’ll find your local brewers set up on the fifth floor ballroom and sixth floor skyline lounge in the Dank Haus German American Cultural Center, so you’ll get the ambiance of some great views while you enjoy sampling your beers. Besides all the great-tasting beer, you’ll also get to purchase some fantastic food to fill your stomach. You will need to purchase food and drink tickets at the event to be able to buy either beverages or meals.

Tickets And Schedule

The Winter Brew Festival will be held in two different sessions, and each session has an entry fee. The event will be held on Saturday, January 27th at the The DANK Haus German American Cultural Center. You must be 21 and older to attend.  The two session times are:

  • Session 1: Saturday, 2-5 PM.
  • Session 2: Saturday, 7-10 PM.

Tickets cost either $10, $20 or $30 per adult depending on the number of drink tickets you wish to purchase. You must use drink tickets at the event to purchase beer, and beer prices start at four tickets each. No refunds will be issues after you’ve made your purchase. Ticket prices are:

  • Afternoon Session. Entry Only: $10
  • Evening Session. Entry Only: $10.
  • Afternoon Session. Entry and 10 tickets: $20.
  • Evening Session. Entry and 10 tickets: $20.
  • Afternoon Session. Entry and 20 tickets: $30.
  • Evening Sessions. Entry and 20 Tickets: $30.

For more information about Chicago’s Winter Fest, please visit their website here.

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